November 2015 – Recipes from South Africa

Archive Monthly Archives: November 2015


Coffee Cookies

2 cups of butter (margarine)
2 cups of sugar
1 cup of fine apricot jam
1 tablespoon bicarbonate of soda
1 tablespoon of strong coffee
‘n little bit of boiling water to dissolve the coffee in
1 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
8 cups of flour

1. Cream the butter and sugar together and add the jam.  Mix well.
2. Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in a little bit of milk and add.
3. Dissolve the coffee in the boiling water and add the vanilla.  Mix and add to mixture.
4. Add the flour and knead together with your hand.
5. Bake at 180 degrees celcius for about 10 minutes on the bottom oven rack.  Move it to the top of the oven and bake for a further 10 minutes.  Check to make sure the cookies don’t burn.
6. Let it cool down and stick two cookies together with the filling.

1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of butter (margarine)
1/3 cup of milk
1 tablespoon of coffee
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

  1. Let all the ingredients boil together for 5 minutes while stirring.
  2. Remove from the heat and mix until cold. The filling will thicken up.

If you find the mixture to be too much, you can always halve the recipe.

If you prefer purchasing homemade cookies, cakes, cup cakes, muffing or rusks from Ouma’s Cookies, please do not hesitate to visit our site today.  If you live in Vereeniging you can collect.  Place your order today.




2 koppies botter
2 koppies suiker
1 koppie fyn appelkooskonfyt
1 eetlepel koeksoda
1 eetlepel lekker sterk koffie
‘n bietjie kookwater om die koffie in op te los
1 1/2 teelepel vanilla ekstrak
8 koppies meel

1. Room die botter en suiker saam en voeg dan die konfyt by. Meng goed.
2. Los die koeksoda op ‘n klein bietjie melk en meng by.
3. Los die koffie in kookwater op en voeg saam met die vanilla hierby.
4. Voeg die meel hierby en knie sommer met die hand.
5. Bak teen 180 grade celcius vir omtrent 10 minute op die onderste oondrak en dan ‘n verdere 10 minute op die boonste rak. Kyk dat die koekies nie brand nie.
6. Laat afkoel en plak twee twee op mekaar.

1 koppie suiker
1/2 koppie botter
1/3 koppie melk
1 eetlepel kits koffie
1 teelepel vanilla ekstrak

  1. Laat al die bestandele saam kook vir 5 minute.
  2. Verwyder van hitte en meng tot koud. Die vulsel sal dik word.

As hierdie resep te groot is, kan jy gerus net die helfte daarvan aanmaak. Ek bak sommer so af en toe net ‘n kwart van die resep, so moenie bang wees dat dit te veel gaan wees nie.

As jy eerder tuisgebakte koekies wil koop, probeer gerus die heerlike koekies, koeke, cup cakes, muffins, hertzoggies en karringmelkbeskuit van Ouma’s Cookies. Hulle is gebaseer in Vereeniging.   As jy vandag bestel sal dit vars gebak word en jy kan dit kom afhaal in Vereeniging, of ons kan dit vir jou stuur via courier in Suid Africa vir R100. Kontak ons vandag!


dom pedro dessert, South African


Vitamienes en minerale speel ‘n ongelooflik belangrike rol in ons alledaagse lewens en dit is noodsaaklik om ‘n gebalanseerde dieët te volg. Vitamienes is ‘n natuurlike bron wat aangetref word in alle diere en plante. Hierdie vitamienes word in twee groepe ingedeel naamlik wateroplosbaar en vetoplosbaar.

Wateroplosbare vitamienes word maklik in jou liggaam opgeneem en geabsorbeer en word nie te lank gestoor nie. Die akstra wateroplosbare vitamienes wat jou liggaam nie nodig het nie, word elke dag deur jou niere afgeskei en verlaat jou liggaam deur uriene. Om hierdie rede moet jy al hierdie vitamienes daagliks inneem.

Wateroplosbare vitamienes bestaan uit die volgende:

Vitamiene B1 (tiamien): Hierdie vitamien help jou liggaam om koolidrate te verbrand wanneer energie benodig word.
Bronne: Beesvleis, vark, lewer en volgraankosse.

Vitamiene B2 (ribovlafien): Help jou liggaam om protiëne, koolidrate en vette te prosesseer. Hierdie vitamien is help ook om jou vel gesond te hou.
Bronne: Beesvleis, vark, lewer, kaas, eiers, melk, neute en volgraankosse.

Vitamiene B3 (niasien): Prosesseer vette en protiëne en bou ‘n gesonde senuweestelsel.
Bronne: Lewer, kalkoen, vis, boontjies, neute en volgraanprodukte.

Vitamiene B5: Help met die produsering van rooibloedselle.
Bronne: Orgaan vleise, hoender, melk, eiers, neute, boontjies, ertjies, en graanontbyt.

Vitamiene B6: Help jou liggaam om protiëne en vette te verbruik sowel as om suurstof in jou bloed deur jou liggaam te vervoer.
Bronne: Vark, beesvleis, hoender, vis, orgaan vleise, eiers, neute, piesangs, wortels en graanontbyt.

Vitamiene B7 (Biotien): Help met die groei van selle, vorming van rooibloedselle, stabileseer bloedsuiker vlakke en vorm sterk hare, vel en naels.
Bronne: Eiergeel, lewer, niertjies, oats, neute melk, boontjies, ertjies, neute en tamatie.

Vitamiene B9 (“folic acid”): Help jou liggaam om nuwe selle te vervaardige. Dit help ook by swanger vrouens met die vorming van jou ongebore baba.
Bronne: Donker groen groentes, boontjies, ertjies, lemoene en graanprodukte.

Vitamiene B12: Handhaaf ‘n gesonde senuweestelsel en help om genetiese materiaal te vervaardig.
Bronne: Lewer, sardientjies, eiers, melk en bloukaas,

Vitamiene C: Tree op as adti-oksedant, help met die vorming van bene en die handhawing van jou immuunsisteem.
Bronne: Groen soetrissie, spinasie, sitrus vrugte, tamaties, aartappels en arbeie.

Vetoplosbare vitamienes word nie so maklik deur jou liggaam geabsorbeer nie. Jou liggaam benodig sekere ander vitamienes om dit te absorbeer en word dan in jou liggaamsvet gestoor. Wanneer jy die vitamienes benodig, gebruik jou liggaam dit wat reeds gestoor is in jou vet. Jy het nie nodig om hierdie vitamienes elke dag in te neem nie.

Vetoplosbare vitamienes bestaan uit die volgende:

Vitamiene A: Help met jou visie, handhaaf ‘n gesonde vel en immuunsisteem, helstel beskadigde weefsels en tree op as anti-oksidant vir jou liggaam.
Bronne: Lewer, vis, suiwelprodukte, eiergeel, wortels, patats, tamaties en volgraan produkte.

Vitamiene D: Vitamiene D is nodig om kalsium en fosfor in die liggaam te absorbeer en beskerm jou liggaam teen beensiektes.
Bronne: Soutwater vis, melkprodukte, graanprodukte en sonlig.

Vitamiene E: Dien as Antioksedant vir jou liggaam, help jou bloed vloei en bou ‘n sterk immuunsisteem.
Bronne: Vis melk, eiergeel, groente-olies, vrugte, boontjies, ertjies, spinasie en “broccoli”.

Vitamiene K: Help met die vorming van bene en verhoed dat jou bloed klonte maak.
Bronne: Kaas, spinasie, “broccoli”, kool, tamaties en margerine.


my kiddies


Die Springbokke is nie verniet na ons nasionale dier vernoem nie. Hulle het sommer baie in gemeen en glo my, nie een gee sommer te maklik tou op nie.

Die Springbok is ‘n klein bruin bokkie met ‘n wit pens en is omtrent 80cm hoog. Die gemiddelde mannetjie weeg so 50kg terwyl die wyfie omtrent 38kg weeg. Hulle spring tog te lekker as hulle pronk, maar ook wanneer hulle gejaag word en in gevaar verkeer. Deur te pronk wys hulle hoe fiks en sterk hulle is en dieselfde geld ook vir ons Nasionale Springbokspan! Wanneer hulle voel dat hulle in “gevaar” verkeer dan laat spat hulle!

Wanneer die Springbok weghardloop vir hulle vyande (byvoorbeeld die leeu), kan hulle ‘n spoed van tot 80km per uur bereik. Hierdie bokkies is nie net ongelooflik vinnig en pragtig nie, maar hulle is ook baie trots en fiks.

Ek dink dit is sekerlik die rede waarom ons Springbokspan na hulle vernoem is. Hierdie wonderlike span van ons het ons ongelooflike trots laat ervaar in 1995 toe ons teen Nieu-Seeland in die finaal van die wereldbeker rugby gewen het. Ons land het bankvas agter ons span gestaan en ons almal het gedeel in die ongelooflike gevoel van trots.

Dieselfde het gebeur in 2007 toe ons die beker gewen het deur deursettingsvermoë en die wete dat die hele land agter hulle gestaan het.

Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika, mag God ons pragtige land seen.


my kiddies

Bak en Brou

Hoeveel van julle geniet ‘n lekker gebak-en brou in die kombuis? Ek is beslis een van hulle! Hoe meer ek kan bak hoe gelukkiger is ek. Vir my is daar geen lekkerder gevoel as wanneer jy vir iemand iets voorsit wat hulle vreeslik baie geniet nie.

My man is ‘n goeie voorbeeld hiervan. Hy hou van koekies en nagereg, maar veral ook van hoofgeregte soos Hoender Bobotie en ‘n lekker Hoenderpastei. Wat van roomaartappels en ‘n heerlik Dom Pedro vir nagereg?

As ek vir julle raad kan gee moet julle nie bekommerd wees as jou kombuis BAIE deurmekaar is na ‘n gebak nie. ‘n Lekker bak en brou sessie in kombuis word gekenmerk deur ‘n hele deurmekaarspul! (of ten minste in ons huis).

Panne en borde kan orals gesien word. Wanneer die koekies of koek of wat ook al dit is wat jy bak eers in die oond is, dan is dit tyd vir die groot opruim.

Onthou, as jy jouself te veel bekommer oor die netheid van die kombuis terwyl jy bak-en brou, dan gaan die hele ondervinding hiervan heeltemal verlore. Jy is so bekommerd oor dinge wat niks te doen het met die gebakkery nie, dat jy vergeet om dit werklik te geniet.

Bak eers, ruim dan op! Dit is hoe ek persoonlik dit sien. As julle hiervan verskil is dit ook wonderlik.

Geniet julle gebak-en brou in die kombuis saam met julle kinders. Hulle is net eenmaal klein en jonk. Leer hulle goed en oorhandig jou spesiale resepte aan hulle sodat hulle dit kan na-laat aan hulle nageslag. So word ons kookkuns en liefde vir ons resepte en voor-ouers lewendig gehou.




dom pedro dessert, South African

Vitamins, an overview

Vitamins are vital for our every day life and the prevention of serious diseases like beriberi, scurvy, rickets and night blindness. Different organisms need different trace organic substances in their diet. Most mammals need the same vitamins as human, with only a few exceptions. One difference is the production of ascorbic acid. Animals synthesise this themselves, but humans can not do so. Plants can synthesise all the organic substances they need.

Vitamins are essential to life as well as good health and it assists in the formation of hormones, blood cells and our nervous systems. It releases energy from food that has been digested and regulates our metabolism. Nothing happens without the assistance of vitamins in our bodies. If we do not have enough vitamins in our bodies, it can lead to a deficiency.

Although organisms can survive for some time without vitamins, prolonged deficiency in any of the vitamins can lead to serious illness and can be potentially deadly. Sometimes the symptoms will not be seen until about a year later (deficiency in vitamin B12 for example), but with vitamins like B1, you will see the symptoms within a couple of weeks.

There are 13 well-identified vitamins that our bodies need and they are divided into 2 groups. Vitamin A, D, E and K are all fat-soluble and can be stored in body fat. You do not need to take these vitamins every single day. Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12) and vitamin C are all water-soluble. They are not stored in the body, with the exception of vitamin B12 that is stored in the liver. These vitamins need to be taken every single day, because they are lost through urine. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that can be produced by our bodies, the rest need to be taken in through our diet.

Something important you have to remember when eating foods that contain these vitamins we need, is that light, heat and processing of the food, are all enemies of vitamins and can destroy them. People that smoke and drink alcohol will need to take a vitamin supplement. When you consume a lot of alcohol, it dehydrates your body, preventing absorption of vitamins.

Remember, all the water-soluble vitamins are lost through urine. Smokers have a deficiency specifically in vitamin C, but also others. Remember when you take a supplement, to take the fat-soluble vitamins before meals and the water-soluble vitamins after meals. Most importantly, always ask your doctor or pharmacist before you use any vitamin supplements.


dom pedro dessert, South African

SA Seasonal food

South Africans live from season to season, eating what the earth gives them. A variation in latitude and height above sea level as well as the effect of ocean currents causes a great variety of climatic conditions throughout the country. There are three main rainfall-regions, divided into a winter rainfall in the south western part of the country including the Western Cape, rain all year round along the southern coastal belt and a summer rainfall in the rest of the country.

Rainfall varies between around 125 mm per year along the arid western coast and 1 000 mm a year on the eastern coast. Rainfall is irregular with less than 10% of the country receiving around 750 mm of rain per year. The other 90% receive less than this. The summers in South Africa are very hot with mostly cloudless days, but in the winter, only a few areas are frost-free.

If you travel to South Africa during October to May (mainly) you can go to farms and pick your own fruit. Make sure you check what times they are open so you won’t be disappointed. During November you can watch out for Strawberries. December is the correct month for strawberries, raspberries, loganberries, boysenberries, cherries and peaches. In January you can pick black currents, apricots, cherries, raspberries and strawberries. February is the month for raspberries, strawberries, apricots, nectarines, peaches and apples.

During the fall you can pick raspberries, strawberries, nectarines, peaches and apples and during April you can still pick some strawberries, apples and even grapes.

So when can you expect to buy certain fruits? Don’t be caught out, just take a look at which fruit is in season during the year. Nectarines and plums can be bought from November through to April, while you can enjoy Apricots and Litchis between November and February. Other fruits you can enjoy during the summer months include peaches from October to February, grapes during the months of December to May, melons between January and March and mangoes from December to April.

If you travel to South Africa during the colder months, you can sink your teeth into apples from March to September, oranges during the winter and spring months of April to November and grapefruit between April and September. If you are looking for something more sour, lemons is just the thing for you to get during the months of March to November. Easy peelers are available between April and September and my favourite, avocados, can be enjoyed from March to October of each year.

Guavas can be bought in May while prickly pears are available during January and February. Pears you find most of the year, with the season running from January to October, while pineapples grow in South Africa all year round. If you love cherries, make sure you keep your eyes open. If you close it for too long, you will miss it! Cherry season is a short 6 weeks, between the months of December and the beginning of January.

You can find pretty much most vegetables throughout the year. These include baby marrow, butternut squash, various types of pumpkin, green beans, various other beans, carrots, beetroot, broccoli, cauliflower, cassava, cabbage, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, spinach, sweet peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, mealies (white mealies and sweet corn, which is yellow) and many more. Potatoes are grown all over the country, so when one part has a winter rainfall and the other a summer rainfall, they transport the produce to the necessary area.

Mealies are planted during November and harvested during the month of March. As this finishes, the sunflowers and wheat are planted.

Make sure you know which fruits are in season so you know what to look forward to when you travel. All fruit and vegetables are filled with fiber, vitamins and minerals, so make sure you eat lots and lots of it. Enjoy!


dom pedro dessert, South African

South African Crops

South Africa has a very diverse rainfall, allowing many fruits, vegetables and crops to grow throughout the country, all year round. Crops are just one of South Africa’s most important production of food, not only to South Africans, but also the rest of Africa. Of South Africa’s total cultivated area (approximately 10 million hectors), around 36% is planted with maize and 21% has small grains. Oil seeds, sorghum, maize and small grains covers around two thirds of the total arable land.

The most important grain crop for South Africa and the rest of Africa is maize. Maize is a dietary staple for humans, a source of livestock feed and is also used in the production of other foods. Maize is the largest locally produced field crop and is a great source of carbohydrates to both humans and animals. South Africans produce around 8 million metric tons of mealies per year (depending on the rainfall), consumes around 7.5 million metric tons and exports the surplus to countries like Lesotho and Swaziland. More than 600 million metric tons of maize is produced per year world-wide (varies every year).

Maelies are cold-intolerant and therefor need to be planted during the spring season. Its root system is generally shallow, so the plant depends on soil moisture. Maelies are planted during the month of November in South Africa and harvested around March. Because maize is most sensitive to drought, you never know how the crop will do until you see how much it rains. The rains in the summer rainfall area only start around December, so it is difficult to predict if it will rain. Maize is planted before this time, so you have to hope and pray it rains. More than 50% of water in South Africa is used for agricultural purposes.

Grain is the second most important crop and produced in the winter rainfall areas of Western Cape and summer rainfall areas of the North West, Northern Province and the Free State. Free State is currently the highest producer of grain but there are annual fluctuations. Western Cape is the most stable production area due to the more dependable rainfall. It is usually grown during the frost-free season.

Sorghum is another very important grain for South Africa and is cultivated in the drier parts of the summer rainfall areas of Free State as well as in the North-West with yields often exceeding 200 000 tons. Sorghum is slender with leafy stems and grows up to 3 meters high on a variety of soils in areas with around 600 mm of rain per year. It is drought and heat tolerant and cultivated primarily for hay. An average temperature of around 25°C produces maximum grain yields in a given year.

Sorghum is native to Southern Africa and has been used since prehistoric times for food as well as brewing purposes. This is also used in packaging materials for sensitive equipment and is made into excellent wall boards for house building.

Lucerne seed is also very important and is mainly produced in Oudtshoorn, De Rust and Douglas. Oudtshoorn alone is responsible for around 90% of the lucerne seed produced in South Africa today. Around 100 to 120 lucerne bales per hectare can be produced every three weeks, as long as enough water is available. Make sure lucerne is planted during the rainfall season.South Africa produces a large variety of crops, fruit and vegetables and is able to provide in their people’s needs, with enough remaining to export high quality produce to the international market.