Lizel Salter – Page 11 – Recipes from South Africa

All posts by Lizel Salter



Plaatkoekies smaak heerlik, veral op ‘n koue dag! Hierdie is ‘n baie maklike resep en sal beslis ‘n baie groot gunsteling wees vir beide oud en jonk. Dit smaak op sy beste met marmite of goue stroop.

As jy lus voel om jouself te bederf kan jy gerus ‘n lepel room bo-op skep.

1 koppie melk
1 eier
2 eetlepels suiker
2 koppies meel
‘n Knippie sout
2 teelepels bakpoeier

1.  Klits die melk en eier saam.
2.  Voeg die suiker hierby en meng baie goed .
3.  Sif die meel, sout en bakpoeier saam en meng by.
4.  Laat die mengsel staan en rus vir omtrent ‘n 1/2 uur.
5.  Skep lepelsvol in warm olie en braai aan albei kante. Draai die plaatkoekies om wanneer ligbabbels bo-op verskyn.
6.  Smeer ‘n bietjie botter bo-op saam met marmite of stroop.

Hierdie is regtig ‘n eenvoudige resep en smaak heerlik.

Probeer dit gerus!






Generaal hertzog koekies with apricot jam

Generaal Hertzog Koekies

Generaal Hertzog koekies is vernoem na die persoon wie se gunsteling hierdie koekies was. In die verlede is dit gewoonlik gedoen sodat almal weet wie hiervan gehou het!

Hier volg die resep vir die koekies wat ek nou die dag gebak het.  Dit smaak heerlik en is baie eenvoudig en vinnig om te bak.  As jy nog nooit voorheen hierdie resep probeer het nie, daag jouself uit en moenie bang wees nie 🙂

2 koppies meel
‘n Knippie sout
2 teelepels bakpoeier
1/2 koppie margarine
3 eiers (eierwitte-en gele geskei)
1 1/2 eetlepels suiker
Indien die deeg te slap is, meng 2 eetlepels melk hierby.

1.  Sif die meel, sout en bakpoeier saam.  Vryf die margarine met jou vingerpunte hierby in.
2.  Voeg die gele by en laat staan vir omtrent 5 minute.
3.  Rol die deeg uit en sit in klein kolwyntjiepannetjies (jy kan ook groter pannetjies gebruik as jy wil).
4.  Skep ‘n klein lepeltjie appelkooskonfyt in die deeg.

1.  Klits die eierwitte baie goed.
2.  Voeg ‘n 1/2 koppie suiker en 1 koppie klapper hierby en meng goed.
3.  Skep ‘n lepel vol bo-op die appelkooskonfyt.
4.  Bak in ‘n voor-verhitte oond teen 180°C vir 10-20 minute.

As jy eers een van hierdie koekies geproe het, sal dit baie moeilik wees om gou weer op te hou, so glo my, dit gaan nie te lank hou nie!

gluten free burger


As I sit here typing on my computer, I can hear the rain falling outside, just hard enough to hear. This is called pancake weather in South Africa!! Whenever the rain comes, we bake pancakes as a family and enjoy the sound of the rain outside.

I baked pancakes yesterday when the rain started, so it worked out very well in the end. We had 2 savoury pancakes with tuna and mayo as well as ham and cheese. The traditional way you should have it though is with cinnamon sugar! Whenever I eat a pancake I remember the lovely church fates. Everyone always buy cinnamon sugar pancakes by the dozen!

I would like to share with you a great pancake recipe so you can bake them the next time you have a rainy day…

Bake while it rains and eat as you go along!

5 cups of cold water
1/4 cup of oil (not too much)
3 tablespoons of white vinegar (malt is fine if you don’t have white)
6 eggs
3 cups of flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Beat the liquids together.
2. Sieve the dry ingredients and add a little bit at a time.
3. Beat very well.
4. Bake the first pancake in a little bit of oil in a frying pan. (paper thin)
5. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, rol up and enjoy!

Try this recipe to make you feel warm inside! This recipe is enough to feed alot of people. If you are only baking for a few people, you can just halve the ingredients.

Eat and enjoy!

Generaal hertzog koekies with apricot jam

General Hertzog Cookies

In the past the Generals used to name cookies they liked after themselves so everyone would know who’s favourites they were!

Here follows the recipe for these lovely cookies that I baked just the other day.  They are really quick and very easy to make.  Even if you have never baked them before, roll up your sleaves and sink your teeth into this one!

2 cups flour
A pinch of salt
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/2 cup of margarine
3 eggs (white and yellow seperate)
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
If the pastry is too thick, add 2 tablespoons of milk.

1.  Sieve the flour, salt and baking powder together.  Rub the margarine in with your fingertips.
2.  Add the egg yolk and the sugar.  Mix and let is rest for about 15 minutes.
3.  Roll the dough and place round pieces of dough in little muffin pans.
4.  Place a small teaspoon of apricot jam in on top of the dough.

1.  Beat the white of the eggs together well.
2.  Add 1/2 cup of sugar and 1 cup of desiccated coconut to the egg whites and mix.
3.  Place a spoon full of this on the top of the apricot jam.
4.  Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 10-20 minutes.

Once you start eating them it is really hard to stop, so make sure you bake enough!

gluten free burger

Brandy Pudding

The recipe I am going to share with you today is about 350 years old! A great favourite from the Cape where the first brandy from Cape grapes were distilled in 1672! We have come a long way since then, but still, Cape Brandy Pudding remains an old favourite 🙂

250 g of depitted dates, cut up
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup butter/margarine
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs, whisked
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped walnuts

1. Cut the dates, add the boiling water and bicarbonate of soda to halve of the dates, stir and let it cool down.
2. Cream together the butter and sugar and add the beaten eggs. Mix very well.
3. Sieve the dry ingredients together and add.
4. Add the rest of the dates and walnuts. Then add the dates in water and mix very well.
5. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and bake in a pre-heated oven of 180 degrees celcius for 30 – 40 minutes.
6. Remove from the oven and pour the syrup over the warm pudding.

1 cup water
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 cup brandy

1. Boil together the sugar, butter and water for 5 minutes.
2. Remove from heat and add vanilla and brandy. Mix well.
3. Pour warm over the warm pudding and serve with cream or ice cream.

Nothing nicer to warm you up on a cold day! Enjoy! Do come back soon. New recipes are added every month. If you have any requests, please leave a comment and I will do my best to help you out!

gluten free burger


Vandag wil ek ‘n watertand lekker resep met julle deel.  Ons hou baie van ons wonderlike terte en glo my, min naweke en geen verjaarsdae gaan verby sonder ten minste een nie! Hierdie is een van my Tannie se spesialis resepte en sy maak die lekkerste tert wat ek nog gehad het.

1 pakkie tennisbeskuitjies
4 koppies plain jogurt (1 liter)
1 pakkie vanilla “instant” poeding
1 koppie room
1 blikkie kondensmelk (395gr)

1.  Maak die beskuitjies fyn en meng met botter om ‘n kors te vorm.  Los in die yskas vir ‘n paar uur.
2.  Klits die res van die bestandele alles saam en skep in die kors.
3.  Laat staan in die yskas om te set en bedien koud.

Dit is ‘n lieflike resep en my tannie is die bo-baas bakster van hierdie ou gunsteling! Ek is nou sommer lus vir een. Die tert is baie soet, maar lekker…

gluten free burger


Hierdie lieflike resep is meer as 350 jaar oud! ‘n Heerlike gunsteling van die Kaap waar die eerste brandewyn van Kaapse druiwe gedistilleer is in 1672! Ons het ‘n lang pad gestap sedertdien, maar die Kaapse Brandewynpoeding is nog steeds ‘n ou gunsteling 🙂

250 g ontpitte dadels in die helfte gesny
1 teelepel koeksoda
1 koppie kookwater
1/2 koppie botter/margarine
1/2 koppie suiker
2 eiers, geklits
2 koppies meel
1 teelepel bakpoeier
1/2 teelepel sout
1 koppie fyn okkerneute

1.Sny die dadels en week die helfte hiervan in die kookwater en koeksoda. Roer en laat staan of af te koel.
2. Room die botter en suiker saam en voeg die geklitste eiers by. Meng baie goed.
3. Sif die meel, bakpoeier en sout saam.
4. Voeg die res van die dadels en die okkerneute hierby, en daarna ook die dadelmengsel met die water. Meng goed.
5. Skep die beslag in ‘n vuurvaste bakskottel en bak in ‘n voor-verhitte oond van 180 grade celcius vir 30 – 40 minute.
6. Verwyder uit die oond en gooi die warm sous oor die warm poeding.

1 koppie suiker
1 eetlepel botter
1/2 koppie water
1 teelepel vanilla geursel
1/2 koppie brandewyn

1. Kook die suiker, botter en water vir omtrent 5 minute saam.
2. Verwyder van die stoof en voeg die vanilla en brandewyn hierby. Meng goed.
3. Giet die sous warm oor die poeding en bedien met styfgeklopte room of roomys!

Niks smaak lekkerder op ‘n koue aand nie. Geniet die resep en kom besoek Afrikaanse resepte gerus weer. Ek sal nuwe resepte elke maand byvoeg, en indien jy enige versoeke het, stuur ‘n boodskap en ek sal kyk wat ek kan doen.

gluten free burger


Sooswat ek hierso sit en op my rekenaar tik, kan ek die reën daar buite hoor val. Dit is nie baie hard nie, maar val liggies op die aarde neer, net hard genoeg om te hoor.

Pannekoekweer vir die in Suid-Afrika. Ek het gister vir ons heerlike pannekoek gebak toe dit begin reën het, so dinge het goed uitgewerk. Ons het eers twee sout pannekoeke gehad met tuna en mayo sowel as ham en kaas. Daarna het ons kaneelsuiker pannekoeke gehad, presies soos dit BEHOORT geniet te word.

Elke keer as ek pannekoek eet dink ek aan ons lieflike kerkbasaars. Almal het altyd pannekoek gebak en dosyne op ‘n slag gekoop. Onthou julle dit ook?

Ek wil graag met julle ‘n eenvoudige pannekoekresep deel. Bak sommer terwyl dit reën en geniet so tussendeur:

5 koppies koue water
1/4 koppie olie (nie te veel nie) – help net dat die deeg nie vassit nie
3 eetlepels asyn
6 eiers
3 koppies meel
3 teelepels bakpoeier
1/2 teelepel sout

1. Klits al die vloeistowwe saam.
2. Sif die droë bestandele saam en voeg bietjie vir bietjie by.
3. Klits baie goed.
4. Bak die eerste pannekoek in ‘n bietjie olie.
5. Sprinkel met kaneelsuiker, rol op, en geniet!

Probeer gerus die resep om jou van binne-af sommer lekker warm te laat voel. Hierdie resep is vir ‘n groot hoeveelheid, so indien jy nie so baie wil bak nie, halveer net die bestanddele.

Eet en geniet!

Recipes from South Africa book


Agriculture in South Africa contributes to around 10% of formal employment.  Because of the aridity of the land, only 13.5% can be used for crop production.

South Africa has a very large agricultural sector and is a net exporter of farming products. Agriculture exports constitute around 8% of South Africa’s total exports. South Africa is the 8th largest producer of wine, 11th largest producer of sunflower seed and exports products as well as foodstuffs.

The largest items being exported are sugar, grapes, citrus, nectarines, wine and deciduous fruit. Diamonds, gold, platinum, machinery, equipment and other metals and minerals also makes up a big part of our exports.

The largest locally produced crop is maize with an estimated 9 million tons being produced every year, of which 7.4 million tons are being consumed in the country. This is the country’s dietary staple as well as a source of livestock feed.  Other agricultural products include wheat, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables, beef, poultry, mutton, wool and dairy products

Grains and cereals are South Africa’s most important crops, occupying more than 60 percent of hectare under cultivation in the 1990s.

Livestock is another very popular farming in South Africa. 85% of all meat consumed are produced locally on these farms. The dairy industry consists of more than 4 300 milk producers and provides employment for more than 60 000 farm workers.

The agricultural sector has introduced controversial reforms over the past years, which includes land reform. Farmers feel they are discriminated against (most farmers are white) and the people waiting for the land, feels that the reform is not developing quickly enough.

Two major challenges that the industry faces are the increase of foreign competition as well as crime. Crime against farmers are often (but not always) racially motivated.

More than 1 800 farmers have been murdered since the end of apartheid in 1994 which caused farmers to flee to the cities. Due to this and other troubles, there are now only 25 000 commercial farmers as opposed to 85 000 in 1994. Productivity has decreased by 50%.

South Africa’s natural resources include gold, chromium, antimony, coal, iron ore, manganese, tin, nickel, phosphates, diamonds, uranium, platinum, copper, salt, natural gas and vanadium. Industries includes mining (world’s largest producer of platinum, gold and chromium), metalworking, machinery, automobile assembly, textile, iron and steel, fertilizer, foodstuffs, commercial ship repair as well as chemicals.


Recipes from South Africa book

Geographical info and climate

South Africa is situated just south of the tropic of Capricorn. This causes that the country is mostly dry and sunny, but the climate is moderated by its topography and surrounding oceans.

South Africa has a great variety of climates from the extreme desert of the Kalahari bordering Namibia to the subtropical climate along the border with Mozambique. There is a considerable variation in the climate. Take the North-West of the country, the Karoo along the Kalahari desert which is very dry and sparsely populated. It gets very warm in the summer while it is icy in the winter.

The South West is very similar to the Mediterranean with wet winters and hot, dry summers. Much of South Africa’s wine is produced in this area. This region is also known for its wind that blows throughout the year, either from the south-east or the north-west.

The severity of this wind passes around the Cape of Good Hope, causing many problems for sailors and has caused many shipwrecks. Further east on the southern coast, rainfall is distributed more evenly throughout the year, producing green landscapes. This area is the garden route, a great attraction for many tourists.

The Highveld (Gauteng) does not experience subtropical extremes of heat. Johannesburg is at 1 740 m and has very cold winters. Snow in this area is very rare. To the north and east of Johannesburg the altitude drops and turns into the Lowveld. Particularly high temperatures are experienced here.

The Drakensberg mountains does have snow in the winter, but the coldest place in South Africa is Sutherland in the western Roggeveld mountains where midwinter temperatures can reach -15 degrees Celsius. The deep interior has the hottest temperatures. In 1948 a temperature of 51.7 degrees Celsius was recorded in the Northern Cape, Kalahari near Upington.

South Africa has more than 20 000 different plants. This is about 10% of all the known plant species on earth. Fynbos, one of the six floral kingdoms, is located in a small region of the Western Cape and contains more than 9 000 of those species, making it among the greenest places on earth.

A total of 1% of South Africa is forest and almost exclusively located in the humid coastal plain in KwaZulu-Natal (along the Indian Ocean). This part of South Africa is a stranger to frost.

The only two major rivers in South Africa is the Limpopo (which is shared with Zimbabwe) and the Orange river which runs across the central landscape from east to west, emptying into the Atlantic ocean. Because this is such a dry country, dams are extremely important. The largest dam is the Gariep on the Orange River.

Let’s have a look at the climate and expected temperatures of each province individually:

Western Cape:

This lovely province enjoys hot summers and mild, green winters. It also has its rainfall in the winter months, the opposite to the rest of the country. This weather is ideal for the production of fruit, wine as well as grains. Average temperatures are around 26 degrees Celsius, but it can get cold in the winter, specially in the mornings.

Northern Cape:

The Northern cape is a semi-arid region with only a little rainfall in the summer. The weather is very extreme, cold and frosty in winter, while it has extremely high temperatures in the summer. Temperatures ranges between -6 degrees Celsius in the winter and anything from 30 degrees Celsius in the summer.

Eastern Cape:

This area enjoys hot summers and moderate winters with a summer rainfall. Maximum summer temperatures on average are around 27 degrees Celsius while the minimum temperature in winter can be as low as 7 degrees Celsius or less.

North West:

Here you can enjoy hot summers with sunny days. Average temperatures varies between around 25 – 34 degrees Celsius. The winter days can be relatively warm, but during the evenings and early morning, it can be chilly. Rainfall is also during the summer.

Free State:

This is a summer rainfall area and is warm in the summer but cold in the winter months. Temperatures drop to around 9 degrees Celsius or less. The areas to the west and south are semi-desert.


This province experiences eternal summer. It has a tropical climate with a very generous rainfall during the summer. During these summer months, it can get extremely hot and humid along the coastline. Average temperatures during the winter can be as high as 22 degrees Celsius.


This province has a hot summer with a summer rainfall and mild winters. It can become very cold in the highveld areas.


Gauteng province offers one of the world’s best climates. During the summer months, days are very warm, but mostly wind-free. In the winter, the days are crisp and clear. It has a summer-rainfall with hot summers and winters with frost. Hail is very common during the summer thunderstorms. Gauteng is also known for its electric storms where the lightning lights up the skies and the thunder is overwhelming, but no rain falls, leaving an amazing smell in the air. Snowfall rarely occurs during the winter, but is possible.


Limpopo has very hot, but yet pleasant summers and dry winters. It has almost year-round sunshine with a summer rainfall. Average summer temperatures are around 27 – 30 degrees Celsius (it can be higher).