Plaatkoekies – Recipes from South Africa


Plaatkoekies smaak heerlik, veral op ‘n koue dag! Hierdie is ‘n baie maklike resep en sal beslis ‘n baie groot gunsteling wees vir beide oud en jonk. Dit smaak op sy beste met marmite of goue stroop.

As jy lus voel om jouself te bederf kan jy gerus ‘n lepel room bo-op skep.

1 koppie melk
1 eier
2 eetlepels suiker
2 koppies meel
‘n Knippie sout
2 teelepels bakpoeier

1.  Klits die melk en eier saam.
2.  Voeg die suiker hierby en meng baie goed .
3.  Sif die meel, sout en bakpoeier saam en meng by.
4.  Laat die mengsel staan en rus vir omtrent ‘n 1/2 uur.
5.  Skep lepelsvol in warm olie en braai aan albei kante. Draai die plaatkoekies om wanneer ligbabbels bo-op verskyn.
6.  Smeer ‘n bietjie botter bo-op saam met marmite of stroop.

Hierdie is regtig ‘n eenvoudige resep en smaak heerlik.

Probeer dit gerus!






About the Author Lizel Salter

I was born in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa and grew up in Vereeniging. The first time I left home was in 2002 to go to England on a working holiday. Met my husband halfway around the world, got married in South Africa and now have 2 beautiful children. One boy and one girl... Started writing down recipes I grew up with when I was living in England and love sharing them with others. Buy my downloadable book and keep all the recipes together!

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